Hello and welcome to my small celebration of the one year anniversary of Burning Academy! It honestly feels like I just started this, but here we are (also I'm a day late, sorry I got sick again whoops). I honestly wasn't going to do anything major for the one year anniversary, but about a week ago I suddenly felt like writing about Marlowe which led to this bonus episode.

I doubt there will be a lot of these as I want to put my focus on the main game, but I thought it would be alright for the one year celebration, so have a playable short story featuring MC's older sister!

The Siblings Birthed from Rot

Summary: In which a sister breaks every promise she ever made.

Word count: 7k (in total)

Content Warnings: Parental abuse, emotional abuse, gaslighting, alcoholism

I hope you enjoy this while waiting for the next chapter! I also know it was split 50/50 on my blog about whether to put the bonus episodes in the main game or to keep it separate (separate won by like one vote during the second round) so I tried to keep the character customization limited so you don't have to do all of that over again + it'll cover any future bonus episodes I may do sometime down the road so I hopes that helps for the other half that wanted to keep it all together.

It also is easier for me to keep everything organized to keep it separate as well coding wise, so sorry to the other 50%! Regardless, I hope you enjoy!

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